I've posted before with various snippets of info regarding the now infamous bRobot birthday party... and here is my final installment (I probably could do more since I haven't even touched on the invites we made, but I think this should wrap things up nicely).
1. We started the party off with a Robot Dance contest. I am thankful for all the kid-friendly robot songs on YouTube (no time to download and create my own playlist).
2. We re-booted with robot fuel (bottled water with mailing labels stuck on over the store label), then munched on Computer Chips (dried apple chips) and Nuts & Bolts (snack mix). I filled two old coffee cans with the munchies to give them a more "robot" look.
3. Next we all got to assemble our own robots. I cut robot layers using my Cricut cartridge in a variety of colors. The mini-bots chose their color, glued the pieces, attached the googly eyes, and then drew in other details. These robots were attached to the outside of the brown paper bags we used for goodies.
4. Lastly, each friend was given a robot sugar cookie to eat while the birthday boy opened presents. I opted for cookies since they do not need to be sliced and do not require plates or forks to eat them (and the crumbs vacuum up better than mushy cake crumbs).
The party was a big hit! and I was exhausted...
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