It has been a mad house around here! There are too many wonderful things happening, and absolutely no time to blog about them. This year the boys and I are doing an "Advent: Preparing for Christmas" project. 1 envelope every day that has us do one activity to get ready for Christmas. So far we have made paper snowflakes to hang on the windows, danced to Christmas songs, decorated the Christmas tree, and set up the Nativity (just to name a few). We are also opening one new book each night to read together. I admit, not all the books are Christmas themed (it was harder than I thought to find 25 children's Christmas books considering that we already own a bunch).
So with all this family Christmas stuff, I needed to do something for me. I decided to participate in Scrapbook Challenges 12 Days of Christmas Progressive Challenges. Each day a new step in the progressive layout is posted. Tomorrow is the last day, but here is what I have so far:
I encourage you to swing by the site and try it for yourself!
Happy Holidays!!!